The Nova Icària Beach is rightly considered to be a very peaceful beach, and is a popular choice for families and groups of friends. Lying very close to the Port Olímpic, it is surrounded by a great variety of restaurants and bars, as well as the most comprehensive range of facilities for sports and other activities on the entire coastline.
Together with Barceloneta beach, these are the city"s oldest and most traditional beaches. They were the first to have amenities for bathing, an activity that was the exclusive domain of the city"s well-to-do classes at the time. The recent building of a hotel has created a small, peaceful cove where you"ll find a number of restaurants.
The beach stands between the gasometer and the Olympic Marina. Until the mid-20th century, there was a shanty settlement here that was home to 15,000 people. Carmen Amaya, the most famous flamenco dancer of all time, was born here. Although originally part of Barceloneta beach, the city council renamed it Somorrostro in memory of the humble settlement that once stood on this part of the Barcelona coast.