Located in the heart of Barcelona, this information point has 700 m2 of dedicated floor space providing in different languages.
The office also provides:
Personalized attention, official ticket and tour sales, unique experiencesand gift shop.
Meeting point for the Picasso walking tours.
VAT refund - Global Blue, Tax Free, Innova i Travel.

General details
Address: Plaça de Catalunya, 17-S
Opening time: daily, from 8.30am to 8.30pm.
Information office opening times may be changed due to circumstances beyond our control.
Accessibility details
Staff at the information desk have received training about how to assist people with special needs.
The information office is underground and has a chairlift to provide access for wheelchair users (down for maintenance). The chairlift is located at one of the two entrances. If you require the chairlift, please inform a member of staff so that they can activate it.
The information office in Plaça Catalunya is located underground. It is located at the bottom corner of the central area of the plaza closest to the Avinguda Portal de l’Àngel and Carrer Fontanella. The steps leading down to the information office are similar to those at a metro station entrance.
Some lists and information can be printed out in large print. If you require this service, ask a member of our tourist information staff.
The gift shop sells items with the easily recognisable shapes of Barcelona’s landmarks.
Hearing-impaired passengers of the Barcelona Bus Turistic can call at the tourist information office in Plaça Catalunya and hire an induction neck-loop to help them hear the audioguide more clearly. The loan of this induction neck-loop is also available for the Walking Tours.
Instructions for using the induction loop:
1. Place the induction loop receiver around your neck.
2. Connect the induction loop to the audioguide system.
3. Switch your hearing aid to position T.
Last update: 19/06/2023
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